
Extracts from The Star, September 1916

Children misbehaving at Candie ; Healy Maindonald, bigamist ; Fishing on Sunday ; Petition re military service ; Roll of Honour ; Ernest Carré, Le Poidevin, Ferguson ; Enlistments ; Bordage widening ; Guernseymen killed ; Albion Terrace School ; Old custom for scaring birds ; Jean-Philippe De Carteret obituary ; Guernsey prices The Star , September 2, 1916 BAND INTERRUPTION AT CANDIE Many correspondents have spilt ink in writing to you complaining of the behaviour of juveniles at the Sunday evening performances in Candie, but apparently they have fallen on deaf ears, as the nuisance still…

Easter 1780: Children shall not profane the Sabbath!

One of many complaints about children; an Order of the Royal Court from the Easter Session of 1780. Chief Pleas, Session after Easter, held 3 April, 1780, William Le Marchant, Esq., Bailiff, presiding, in the presence of etc. Children shall not profane the Sabbath. The Law Officers having brought it to our attention that for some time past Children, instead of attending Church on a Sunday, are spending their time playing together and amusing themselves in the streets and other public places, thus profaning the day, offending their Faith and prejudicing their morals,—THE COURT, having heard…
