Our team provides advice in person and via email on local history and family history research. We provide a look-up service where a specific record is required as well as newspaper searches.
Professional Research
Enquiries for genealogical research should be made to La Société Guernesiaise, Family History Section [email protected]. Visitors to the Library are very welcome to undertake their own family history research using our extensive resources. Advice on other local history research can be obtained from the Library in person or using the contact form below
per look-up
If you require a specific record from a register we will search within a date range of a maximum of ten years and supply either a paper or digital copy.
Newspaper Search
per hour
Our local newspaper search can be used to track down a particular article. A copy of the requested article can also be provided.
Can't get to the Library? Ask our Librarians for further advice on how to research the Library's resources using the contact form below.
Doing your own research
The Priaulx Library welcomes visitors who want to carry out their own historical or genealogical research. Our collections are all available to the public, the resources are free to use and there are no time limits for visitors during our public opening hours, although it is advisable to book if you require a microfilm reader. There is also an A2 overhead scanner available for public use.
If you wish to consult items not on the open shelves, such as newspapers or material from the strongroom, please ring in advance so that we may provide you with the best service we can.

Family history research
The Priaulx Library may hold the key to unlocking your family history. We keep safe family records dating back to the 15th century along with parish and church registers. We recommend you start by speaking to other family members and friends, write down what you know and bring it with you.

Researching the history of a house
Our comprehensive collection of books, maps and photographs can help you discover more about the house you live in. Visitors can access census records, historical street directories, Livres de Perchage and selected house pedigrees, all of which could contain more information about your house. Bring your deeds if you have them.

Researching Guernsey History
Guernsey's rich and varied history can be uncovered within the Priaulx's collections. Newspapers, letters, reports, almanacs, manuscripts, original prints, pictures, books and journals all have a story about our island to share. We have the largest collection of local studies material on the island.

Researching a relative who was in the forces
The Library does not hold any army records, but we may still have documents, such as family history records and newspapers, that could help you find your army ancestors. If you had family in the Guernsey Militia or Royal Guernsey Light Infantry, the Library is a good place to start.

Copying & Reproduction
We offer a variety of reproduction services and formats to enable you to obtain copies of certain documents and articles from newspapers for your personal use. Copyright restrictions apply.
Documents deemed by the Library staff to be in good condition can be photocopied, although some copyright restrictions apply.
Scan from Microfilm
Where the microfilm is a copy of material owned by the Library, records and images can sometimes be supplied in digital format.
Visitors can photograph newspaper articles, subject to permission. Please consult the staff. The Library can also provide scans of articles from local newspapers from microfilm.
Digital Camera
Visitors can take photographs of documents with their own camera for a fee. Permission must be sought before taking any photographs as copyright restrictions apply.
Reproduction for Educational / Non-commercial purposes
Special arrangements apply for documents being copied for charities, educational use or within a non-commercial document such as a thesis or dissertation.
Reproduction for Commercial Publication
Requests to use images or documents for commercial purposes can be made to the Librarians, who will take the intended purpose and copyright into consideration.
Download fees
NOTE: The publication of all images owned by the Priaulx Library, whether they have been supplied at a cost or not, must be accompanied by the following words:
© The Priaulx Library