Prince Edward Island, January 1807

From the Gazette de Guernesey, 24 January, 1807.


To be sold, Tracts of Rich Fertile Forest Land, from twenty Acres upwards, free for ever, known to equal any in Great Britain in Produce in Grain and Garden Stuffs, under proper Agriculture.

At the follwing Terms with a good and efficient Title, viz: 20 acres at 2y0s per acre; 30 Acres at 18s per acre; 30 Acres at 16s per Acre; 100 Acres at 12s per acr. 500 Acres at 10s per Acre.

Credit for half the Land.

None of those Tracts further from the Sea Shore than eight Miles. These lands are in the centre of the Island convenient to Charlotte-Town, the Capital of Prince Edwards, formerly St John's


The entrance to the Gulf of St Lawrence; allowed to be the healthiest place in America, where there are no Taxes. Suppose to be from 10 to 12 thousand Souls, English and Scotch, now Inhabitants.

Purchasers of these Lands with their Families will be taken over to the Island, at £6 10s each soul, £4 for a child at the breast that is not twelve Months old; those that do not purchase Land until their arrival, pay ten Guineas for their passage. Apply to Robert Raby, Agent for the Concern, at Mrs McDougald, Guernsey, or letters, post paid, to him at the Post-Office, will do as if present, if the inquirer means to purchase on the above terms, or apply to John Poore, Esq., Guernsey, who has a Map and Descriptions of the said Island. Those that wish to engage should do it immediately that they may be ready by April next. The Proprietors have sent to the same Lands last Year 500 people.

For Prince Edward's Island

The ship Providentia, burthen 500 tons, James Liton master, now laying in the Pier, will be ready for sea the 1st May. For passage apply to Mr David King. [Gazette de Guernesey, 16 April 1808.]