Jean Falla's Commission, 1663

Transcribed by Edith Carey in the Pedigree of the Falla Family, in the Library.

Jean Falla, b. 1610.

25 February 1663

Christopher Lord Hatton, Baron Hatton of Kirby, one of His Majesty’s most Honorable Privy Councell, Captaine & Governor of the Island of Guernesey & the Islands adjacent. To John Ffalla (ye sonne of Peter gentleman). Having a most certain assurance and testimony of your loyalty, affection and obedience to his most sacred Majesty & a speciall confidence in your ability, care & discretion, I have by these presents ordayned & appoynted you to bee Ensigne of a trained band of soldiers in the Parish of the Vale, in the Island of Guernesey, whereof John Quetteville, Gent. is Captaine, & these under your said Captaine & his Lieutenant to arme, trayne, & exercise as their Ensigne as often as you shall receive commands from your such Captaine or his Lieutenant for your same or in their absence from myself or such Deputy as in my absence I shall appoint; that soe upon all occasions they may bee the able and readier for his Majesty’s service. And I require all your inferior officers and soldiers to bee obedient to you in the exercise of the said office and I also require your obedience from tyme to tyme to such order as you shall receive from me or my said Deputy. Given under my hand & seale the 25th February 1663.