December 1843
From the Guernsey newspapers.
The Star, Thursday December 21
We hear that the Dean of Jersey is likely to obtain a much more lucrative appointment than that of the contemplated Bishoprick of the Channel Islands.
THE MARKETS. Our markets, this day, present a most abundant supply of the finest provisions that have ever been seen in this island. The beef, which is in great quantity, is of the most beautiful description, and would attract notice even in Leadenhall market. England, Spain, France and Guernsey have contributed some of their finest cattle to the slaughterhouse on this occasion, and it would be difficult to say to which the preference can be awarded. The supply of sheep has been limited, but some very excellent specimens have been exhibited. The most deserving are four at the shop of Mr. R. Waterman, which are generally admitted to be the finest ever reared in Guernsey. They are a cross between the Devon and Leicester breeds, and are entirely grass fed. They weigh from 115 to 125 lbs. each. We have large supply of poultry and game from France, and more is expected tomorrow. The prices are: turkeys, from 4s 6d to 11s; geese 2s 2d to 2s 6d each; hares 3s 6d to 4s each; ducks, 2s 6d to 3s 6d; and fowls, 2s to 3s per couple.
Owing to the continued mildness of the weather, our fishermen have not yet hauled up any of their boats, and our market is in consequence supplied, at the present season, with an unusual quantity of fish, especially cod, many hundred of which have been caught during the last week, and sold from 1d. to 2d. per lb.
ENORMOUS CONGER. Last night, PETER NOURRY, of the Salerie, being out fishing to the southward of the island, caught the largest conger ever known to have been taken in this part of the sea – its length was 7 feet 6 inches; circumference, 2 feet 9 inches, and weight, 91lbs Guernsey, or 100 lbs. English. It has this day been exhibited to the public, at 1d. each; and we have been informed, although we cannot vouch for the fact, that it has been purchased by an American, for the purpose of being shown in the United States as a genuine sea-serpent. [Basil Campbell de Guérin, in Field Sports IV, p. 90, wrote: 'The record catch in Channel Islands waters was off Sark and weighed 108 lbs. It was hooked by the crew of an Italian salvage vessel who used their winch to land it.' See BdG's Scrapbook H in the Library, which also includes a long article he wrote for Seascape 2 (I) 1948/8, 'The sport of congering', p. 138.] [From the Star, July 11, 1836: ' An immense quantity of conger was caught during the neap tides of last week by several of our fishing boats on the grounds in the vicinity of this island. Three boats belonging to Saint's bay, St Martin's parish, alone caught no less a quantity than 10,000 lbs in weight. The fishing grounds for conger lie on an average at the distance of ten to fifteen miles to the SW, W, and NW of the island. A small part only of this fish is brought to market, the remainder being salted and kept for winter provision by the fishermen.']
WESLEYAN MARRIAGE CEREMONY. The first marriage ceremony performed in the French Wesleyan Chapel, Le Marchant-street, took place yesterday morning. The parties united in the bonds of wedlock on this occasion were Mr JOHN MAUGER, sen., of the Foulon, and Miss MARTHA RENOUF, of Mount Durand. The service was performed by the Rev. JOHN RENIER, in presence, as required by law, of the REGISTRAR. Assuming that the forms used were those generally adopted by the Wesleyans—a not unreasonable assumption considering how, in this body, matters of detail connected with religious services are not left to the judgment and discretion of individual ministers, but are for the most part regulated by conference law—it would appear that the Wesleyan marriage ceremony, unlike that adopted by other bodies of non-conformists, is in substance that of the Church of England. The retention of one part of it, which is repudiated by other dissenters as derogatory of that esteem to which the fair sex has most incontestable claims, namely, the giving away of the bride by one of the masculine gender, is somewhat surprising. This form no doubt harmonized with the usages of feudal times, when personal liberty existed but in name—when the masses were but the vassals of the few—‘when man was a tyrant, and woman a slave,’ but except in the case of a young female given away by her father, it is not in accordance with the enlightened and humanized spirit and manners of the age we live in. This practice assumes the validity of the barbarous principle attempted not long since, but unsuccessfully, to be revived in a case before our Royal Court, that every woman is the property of somebody,—that she is, to use the technical phraseology then adopted, a thing, and therefore when married must be given away by her proprietor, to another person whose property she thenceforth becomes,—and this, too, even though she may be a widow, her own mistress, without natural or judicial guardian, and perhaps a venerable sexagenarian.—Communicated.
The Star, December 25th 1843
CHOP AND COFFEE HOUSE. G W LEWIS, of the MARINE HOTEL, Esplanade, respectfully informs the nobility and gentry of the island, and visitors, that in consequence of the generally acknowledged want of the sort of accommodation, he has established a CHOP and COFFEE HOUSE, in the Commercial Arcade, for which he begs their patronage, and assures them he will find the charges exceedingly moderate. NB Private sitting rooms, and dinners or suppers provided for large or small parties, at the shortest notice, Hot joints, every day, from 2 to 6. Lloyd’s Coffee House, 16th Nov.
NATIONAL TEMPERANCE COFFEE-HOUSE, SOUTH PIER. JOHN MAUNDER, I.O.R., begs respectfully to announce to the public that he has just opened the above COFFEE and EATING-HOUSE, where he hopes by strict attention to the comforts of those who may humour him to secure their patronage.Passengers to and from the steamers will find a convenient waiting-place. Rooms for private parties. House open from 5 o’clock in the morning until 11 at night.
STEAM AND WATER MILLS. To be let immediately, all those extensive and complete BUSINESS PREMISES, WATER and STEAM CORN MILLS, known as the High Mill, late in the occupation of Mr A S Symes. On the premises are erected two steam corn mills, communicating one with the other, each driving three pairs of stones, with machinery and every required convenience for carrying on an extensive trade. One of the steam engines is connected with a water-wheel thirty feet in diameter, and both may be driven together or independent of each other. The granaries, which are capable of storing two thousand imperial quarters of corn, adjoin the mills. Apply to Mr B Allez, agent, at Advocate Utermarck’s.
December 22nd, 1843
The MARQUIS OF NORTHAMPTON, President, In the Chair, 'An Account of a slight Shock of an Earthquake felt in the Channel Islands.' By J. Elliott Hoskins, M.D,, F.R.S.: in a Letterto P. M. Roget, M.D., Sec. R.S., &c. Communicated by Dr. Roget.
The phenomena described in this letter occurred simultaneously in Jersey, Guernsey, Alderney, Serk, Heme, and Jethou. On Friday, the 22nd of December, at seven minutes before 4 p.m., a noise resembling a distant thunder-clap was heard ; this was immediately followed by sounds as of a railroad carriage rumbling over an irregular metallic surface ; it was accompanied by distinct undulatory motion. This again was succeeded by a shock; the whole lasting from 10 to 15 seconds. The barometer was uninfluenced, standing at 30*354 : a light wind prevailed, varying from S.S.E. to S.S.W. During the whole of the month the air had been peculiarly still, and the barometer uniformly high ; the maximum, up to the above date, having been 30*518, the minimum 30*042. The thermometer had rangedthroughout the month, from 47° to 52° during the day, and from 45° to 49° during the night.