16th century

Laine's warehouse in Berthelot Street

'MSS belonging to Mr Laine of High Street, respecting his store in Berthelot Street (behind and touching the present Savings Bank), and the Savings Bank itself, formerly 'La Maison Briard.' Names and dates; the transcriptions of these interesting vues de justice, where the jurats visited properties about which there was a dispute and sought witnesses, may be consulted at the Library. The photograph is from the Carel Toms' Collection in the Library and accompanied an article he wrote about the demolition and rebuilding of this house in 1950-51.

Le Pelley notes from Col. Le Pelley's MSS II

Contrats pour lire: 21 July 1589. Jean Le Pelley fils Collas de St Pierre du Bois [sells ] 6 bs de rente a Thomas de Lisle. Ditto 18 June 1598. Collette Pezett fille de Jean, de St Pierre Port [widow] de Jean Le Fyvre [sells] pour £33 sterling d'Angleterre & 12bs d'annuelle rente, La Croutte Pezett en St André, au fyeu des Esperons, cont. 10 vergees de terre, au north du Cortill John Bailleull, à l'est [] des Gouyes appartenant à Martin Belin à cause de [sa] femme fille de Thomas de Garys. A Collas Le Pelley fils Charles. Do. 5th September 1570 . Edmond Ettur [sells] à Pierre Le…
