Will of Thomas Le Pelley, 1643

22nd May 2024

Translation from the French transcribed by Edith Carey in her Sark notebook in the Priaulx Library.

Court of Probate, London

In the name of God, Amen, through Jesus Christ in the year 1643, 27th September. Inasmuch as it hath pleased God to afflict the bodie of Thomas Le Pelley with sickness whereof he doth feele himself infirme and weake in bodie but nevertheless sound of minde, God be praised. He hath disposed of that small meanes which he hath as followeth. That he might finde tranquility of minde as God hath ordained all fathers of families to doe. First I have had of the purser in clothes which were sold at the most to the value of thirteene shillings and sixe pence, in going out of England. Item. More, I have recieved of him the 25th of this September one Spanish piece of Eight and three Ryalls in sylver. Item. More, one other piece of eight of Augustine Westington. Item. I had of the master towards the payment of the charges of my mate Nicholas Langlois 3 pieces of eight and a half. Item. I have lent him from the days of our embarkment untill the day of his death foure and twentie shillngs and I doe ordain that that which shall be found to be mine or to belong unto me shall be divided between my brother Josias Le Pelley [Le Peley] and my sister Marthe Le Pelley in halfes equally of all that which shall be found to belong unto me (my debts herein mentioned being payed) as well [my] as my clothes as my wages. Desiring John de Haveland (being both of us borne in the island of Guernsey) to take all the same into his handes, and I doe ordaine him executor of this my testament and last will. Desiring that my body be buried in Christian manner and as one believing in Jesus Christ, and that there shall be given to those that shall carry me to my grave 3 pieces of eight and unto him that shall bury me one piece of eight. Desiring that all the same be fulfilled and performed. Witnessed and inscribed by Thomas Le Peley. P Effard. John Sivrett. John Roland.

Proved at London April 22nd 1645 by John de Havilland.