Lost things: Les Maindonnaux, 1901

View from the North-east.
Photographed by Muriel Hilton Fagge in 1900. The note accompanying this photograph states:
This property was bought in Autumn 1900 by Mrs Priaulx, second wife of Osmond Priaulx of The Mount, and pulled down!
Guernsey Advertiser, 7th September, 1901.
Sale of Building Material.
Maindonaux, near the Hermitage, St Martin's.
W. W. Fuzzey has received instructions from the Contractor, Mr W Hunkin, to sell by Public Auction, on Monday next, September 9th,
A quantity of building materials from the demolition of the building, and comprising doors, windows, flooring, joists, rafters, grates, and a quantity of other building material and firewood, which will be sold in lots to suit purchasers. Sale to commence at 12 o'clock. W. W. Fuzzey, Auctioneer, Les Gravées.
No. 15 in McCormack's The Guernsey House. More material on this farm and house may be found in the large Blue cuttings book (Staff) in the Library. See also Lost things: La Poline, The Old Red House, 1891 and Les Maisons aux Comtes, 1915; T F Priaulx, 'Les Maindonneaux, St Martin's,' Quarterly Review of the Guernsey Society, Summer 1958, pp. 28-9.