July two hundred years ago ... or thereabouts

Excerpts, mostly from the Gazette de L'Ile de Guernesey, on this day (or thereabouts) two hundred years ago.

Letter-Book of Nathaniel Le CocqLeFebvre Bookseller; Judith Le MesurierJeune's Auction Room Trinity Chapel Population of Guernsey 1801.

Letter-Book of Nathaniel Le Cocq, Guernsey, July 9th 1770

Dear Billy,

... Last week your sister-in-law was brought to bed of a Daughter named by Rachel, Henriette. Two Vessels a Dutch and a Danish are said to have the Plague on board, orders have been given accordingly. There is so few Officers in the town Regiment that it has not past in Review. With pleasure we learn of your having seen the Metropolis lately. The Theatre of Voltaire in six Vol: bound has taken the place with my other Books. The French bookseller is expected in a short time, so if any Books are wanting let me know of it.

Letter-Book of Nathaniel Le Cocq, Guernsey, July 24th 1772

Monsr Michel Le Febvre

Please buy me the following books: [Je vous prie de m'achetter le Livres suivant.]

Le Joueur, Le Grondeur, Menechme, Le Legataire universel, Le Florentin, Le double Veuvage, La Coquette de Village, L'Esprit de Contradiction, La Pupille, Le prejugé à la mode, Esope à la Cour, Les Fables d'Esope - comedies comme aussi Annette & Lubin. Le Theatre Des Touches relies en 5 Vol: Les Lettres Chinoises en 3 Vol: ...

Make sure that these books are good editions and have nothing wrong with them. [Vous aurez soin que les Livres mentionés cy dessus soient de bonnes Editions & exemptes de fautes.]

Gazette de L'Ile de Guernesey, Du Samedi 1 Juillet 1797

Judith Le Mesurier gives notice, that she has two places to rent in the town church; one in the old gallery and the other in the second pew of the West gallery; apply at Pierre de Carteret's, Cornet Street.

[Judith Le Mesurier fait savoir, qu'elle a deux places à louer dans l'église de la ville; l'une dans la vieille gallerie & l'autre dans le deuxième banc de la gallerie du Ouest; s'appliquer chez Pierre de Carteret, rue des Cornets.]

To be sold by auction, on Monday 3 instant, at Jeunes auction room, opposite the Bailiff's door; an assortment of Plain & Flower'd Muslins, Printed Calicoes, d°. Nankeens Cashmere & Swansdown, Waistcoatings, Cotton Stockings, Elastick Cloth Silk & Cotton Fringe & variety of other articles: The sale will begin at 10 O'clock.

Gazette de L'Ile de Guernesey, Du Samedi 15 Juillet 1797

The Elders of Trinity Chapel would like to warn the public that anyone who ties their horse up to the church railings will be fined, as per Order of the Royal Court. Parents are also to be warned that if they allow their children to play in the Chapel Porch, at any time, including during the Holy Service, they will also be subject to the said fine.

[Les Anciens de la chapelle Trinité, avertissent le public, que les personnes qui attacheront des cheveaux aux balustre de la dite chapelle, seront poursuivis pour payer l'amende, suivant l'ordonnance de la Cour Royale. Les pères et mères sont aussi avertis, que s'il laissent leurs enfans jouer sous la Portique de la dite Chapelle, tant dans le temps du service Divin, qu'en tout autre temps, seront aussi poursuivis pour la dite amende.]

Gazette de L'Ile de Jersey, Du Samedi 18 Juillet 1797.

Guernsey, 8 July. Last Sunday saw the first divine service held at Guernsey's newly-built chapel. There was a large congregation, and the service was most solemn. The Rev. M. Crespin, Dean, gave an excellent sermon, very suited to the occasion, on Kings VIII v. 30.

[Guernsey, 8 juillet. Dimanche dernier fut ouverte le première fois, pour service divin, la chapelle neuve qu'on a bâtie ici. L'assemblée étoit nombreuse, & le service des plus solonnels. Le rév. M. Crespin, doyen de cette île, prononca un discours excellent & tres convenable pourl'occasion, sur ces paroles du 8e chap. des Rois, v. 30. Exauce donc la supplication de ton servituer & de ton peuple d'Israël, quand ils te prieront en ce lieu ci; exauce-les, dis-je, du lieu de ta demeure, des cieux; exauce et pardonne.]

This chapter, which contains the dedication of the Temple and Solomon's prayer, was read in its entirety as the first lesson. The sound of the organ, together with the singing of the psalms, the grandeur and beauty of the building, the elegance and comfort made a fine ensemble, the bright clothes and the happiness on everyone's faces was an awe-inspiring sight, magnificent and completely enchanting.

[Ce chapitre qui contient la dédicace du temple et la prière de Salomon, fut lu tout entier pour la première leçon. Le son de l'orgue, joint au chant des pseaumes, la grandeur & la beauté de l'édifice, où la simplicité, l'élégance & la commodité se trouvent si bien réunies, l'éclat des habits et la joie qui paroissoit sur tous les visages, formoit un spectacle auguste, magnifique & tout-à-fait ravissant.]

Gazette de L'Ile de Guernesey, Du Samedi 6 Juillet 1797

Next Wednesday 12th of this month, from 11 o'clock until midday, The Elders of Trinity Chapel will lease to the highest bidder, the land behind the Chapel, for a term of 3-6 years.

[Les Anciens de la Chapelle,Trinite font savoir, que mercredi prochain 12me du courant, depuis onze h. du matin jusqu'a midi. ils feront louer, au plus offrant, pour le terme de 3, 4, 5, ou 6 ans, le terrain de derriere ladite Chapelle.]

The Guernsey Magazine, Vol XVII, May, 1889, p. 147

HOLY TRINITY CHAPEL. On the 5th day of July, 1789, this building, which has since become a Parish Church, was consecrated to the service of Almighty God. The subscribers to the building fund were probably unaware that the church of the Forest was dedicated to the Holy Trinity, or they might have chosen another dedication for the new chapel. The history of this building is perhaps not known to our readers. Mr. William Le Marchant, Bailiff of Guernsey, had a license or patent to erect a chapel on his property in Smith-street; but, having abandoned the idea, he sold his patent to a number of the parishioners for the sum of £150 sterling. The committee consisted of Messrs. Helier Carré,of the Couture, Henry Le Patourel, of Country Mansell, Helier de Garis, of Country Mansell, James Thoume, of Putron, Pierre Guille, of Pedvin-street, Jean de Jersey, of Rouge Huis, and Nicolas Grut, of Fountain-street. The site was bought from Mr. Jean Bowden, of the Brasserie. The committee invited the assistance of the following experts:- Thomas Le Lièvre, slater; Richard Guille, cabinet-maker; Jean Le Page, blacksmith; Nicolas de la Court, Daniel Guille, and Nicolas Lihou, cabinet-makers. The foundation-stone was laid by the Bailiff, and the sermon on the Dedication Day was preached by the Rev. Elie Crispin, M.A., Dean of Guernsey.—St .Peter-Port Banner of Faith.

The Guernsey Magazine, Vol XVII, September, 1889, p. 147


A correspondent says:— The following is taken from an old and valuable MS.: 'The population of the different parishes in Guernsey, during 1801 and the war, irrespective of the sailors of Her Majesty's service, the garrison and strangers not permanently settled in the island, amounted to 16,153.

  • St. Peter-Port ----------- 8,450
  • St. Sampson ------------- 650
  • Vale ----------------------- 842
  • Castel ------------------- 1,453
  • St. Saviour --------------- 933
  • St. Peter-in-the-Wood - 1,130
  • Torteval -------------------- 336
  • Forest ---------------------- 552
  • St. Martin --------------- 1,132
  • St. Andrew ---------------- 675

Total ................................. 16,153

This account of the population of the island at the beginning of the present century, shows what rapid progress we have made. Since then the inhabitants have just about doubled in number, and our island is now by far the most thickly populated country in the world, for with our twenty-four square miles of area we have about 32,500 people or 1,350 to the mile.'