Extracts from old letters
22nd May 2019
Affecting 18th and early 19th century letters, from the Carey family, transcribed from a notebook of Edith Carey, Guernsey miscellanea. The image is of the famous Bell Savage Inn, on Ludgate Hill, London, where Catherine Baldock nee Carey reluctantly stayed in 1790 (see letter below), and is from the British Museum, Museum number 1880.1113.3266.
Letters in possession of General W D Carey
From Juliette Le Messurier to her mother, Mrs Judith Carey.
London, Aprill 30th 1768.
Honoured Madam,
... Please to give my love to Collet Le Cocq, and tell her that her duaghter is much the same her husband came to me two days ago to tell me that she would not stay in the Hospital any longer for that she found her self Better at home so that she was to go out the next day ... I must confess that I pitty the poore man to be plagued with such a creature as she is for he appears to be a sober good sort of a man ... Miss Butterfield with whom we dined yesterday inquired much after you & familley ... Polly Mesurier whent with us. She expects her Papa with great impatience, for it seems he intends to take her home with him, I fancy Poore Polly will find great diference betwin Alderney or her manner of living at present, tho I imagine she will pass the best part of her time in Guernsey & that I am persuaded she will like very well.
I received a letter from Mrs Godin last Monday acquainting me that Louisa Carey was Rather Better but that she much fear'd that the Melancoly News of the Death of her sister Hariet¹ would be of no service to her ... Good Mrs Perchard desirs her Comp[limen]ts to you & family. I am conserned to find that Mrs Lihou has had the Small Pox for ten to one but that it will soon spread & as the summer is coming on it will undoubtedly prouve fattel to many.
Mrs Le Messurier Joyns with me in duty to you & my dear Papa with love to all my Dear Brothers & Sisters & Compts to all my inquiring friends & belive that I am with the greatest Respect Dear Mama, Yours most affect. & most Dutifull Daughter,
Judith Le Messurier.
P.S. Pardon this Scrawle & all other faults being in haste.
¹ Daughter of Darrell Carey and Marie Le Marchant
London June the 1st 1770
Honrd Madm,
Last Sunday I received your most Esteemed favour of the 23rd ulto wch has given me inexpressible Pleasure to learn that you & all my dear friends enjoy a Perfect State of Health. God of his infinite mercy grant that this may find you all still poss'ed of that great Blessing. Doctor Grant came yesterday to pay another visit to Sister Kitty [Mrs Baldock] he is in great hopes that he shall be able to remouve the tumeur [?] in her nose very shortly ... I must say that she is a very good sensible well behaved Girl & very obligin to every one wch gives me great Pleasure, therfor shall alway endeavour to give her all the incouragement in my power. I am sorry that It is not agreeable to you & my dear Papa to lett her have a p[ai]r of Stone Buckels at present as It has been a great disappointment and baulk to her ... Mr Bale dinde with us last friday we had a great deal of taulk about Waltham School ... Mr Bale as well as myself thinke it is a very improper Schoole for any young Person whatever, & would advise you by no means whatever to lett her return their any more. As to Miss Dobree Wee find not the least alteration in her as yet but her Master has still some hopes of succeeding but if he does he says it will be a long time first I sincerely wish he may but I can't say I have any hopes. Mrs Thos Le Marchant is now ill with the Small Pox but is in a very fair way of doing well & in all appearance is likely to have very few. Mr Le Messurier has recieved your letter of the 18th ulto & has duly noted the contents. I am sorry to hear that Miss Louisa Carey is so very bad, She is not yet come up to towne. ... I send you in Ann Baker's box the Wiers & the Manne the Parmersity & Rubarb & the Gauz for Sister Carey [Mrs John Carey i.e. Marie Le Ray?] with the bluestone & Chocolat Mill. My cousin Perchard's little girl has got the Hooping Cough, she is at Hackney for the Benefit of the Aire. We brought Isaac [son of Thomas Carey, then aged 12] to towne last Sunday as we thought him quit recovered but the weather has been so very cold for some days past that he has gott cold again, wch has brought on his Hooping Cough again, but I hope as the warm weather will come that he will soon get rid of it ... Kitty sends you in Ann Baker's box three of her gowns wch she can not wear & tow of her caps wch she sends for her little neas [niece] Le Pelley ... I remain your &c &c &c
Judith Le Messurier.
Miss Dobree presents her best Respects to you & love to sisters. Endorsed - Mrs Judith Carey at Mr John Carey's, Merchant, Guernsey.
[Par] favour of Mrs Bowden. W G P
Southton, Tuesday morning (1 July 1783)
Dear Mother,
We arrived at eleven o'clock last night after a tedious & most [stewing?] passage of 53 hours, excessively fatigued by having been so long confined with so numerous a company in so small a hole as Le Lievre's Cabbin, most of them very sick the whole time, which rendered it very disagreeable indeed, my wife suffered more by the heat than by sea sickness. I kept well the whole passage, we have had a comfortable night, and begin to be cool again, but I shall not set out 'till tomorrow morning for Salisbury, from whence we have no news since we left you, but we have a letter from the Boys of the 24th, they were come to town and say that all friends there were well. Isaac had been gone for Alderney a fortnight before, so I suppose he will be with you before the present, Peter and Abi [?] are not to come to town before the 1st of August & Patty & Caro are to remain at Mrs Montor's [?] at Clapham till they go to school. Mr and Mrs Stephens [née Le Marchant] lodge with us, they arrived yesterday & are going for Lymington, where Mrs S is to bathe for a month or six weeks, they prefer that place to this because there is less company.
Love to all, I remain, dear Mother,
Your dutifull son,
John Carey [aged 43].
Nicholas Guille to John Carey
John Carey, Esq.
Perpignan 20 October 1784
Dear Sir,
The 22nd ulto I informed your good mother of my dear Caroline's [née Delancey] safe delivery of a daughter (describes her death of a 'bilious fever') ... She took a formal leave of us all in the beginining of her sickness, but without any fear of death, speaking of it in the most detached resigned manner possible ... She was respected and revered by all classes and there is not a single person in this Town that has heard of her but has been affected at her loss, it is incredible the number of people unacquainted with us that sent and came daily and enquire after her health. Her body could not be kept above 24 hours, it began to corrupt and was put in a proper coffin & was decently conveyed at 9 o'clock next night at a Bastion of the Town and there very deeply buried, attended by the family and few friends who were accompanied by a party of Granadiers. That place is very retired and continually kept by a sentinel therefore nobody can uproot it, the Governor would have readily consented to bury her in the church yard but he was afraid the clergy would oppose it by spirit of bigotism & it was advisable to put it out of their power.
The Parson of the parish made her two visits to comply with his Duty, as he said in converting her to the true Religion without which there is no salvation, he found her the first time in an interval of her senses when he asked her five or six questions to which she answered very properly that she would die in the faith she had lived, without being in the least alarmed, a strong vapour put an end ot the conversation. he returned the next morning but found her insensible ... You most afflicted brother ...
Nics Guille.
Catherine 'Kitty' Baldock (nee Carey] (1735-1809) to her sister Frances Carey
London August 8th 1785
My dearest Fanny,
Long before this my beloved sister has heard of my distress. Of Fanny my Heart is almost broken with grief, what will become of me and my seven poor Children, but I will not afflict your affectionate breast with my Complaints, but proceed to acquaint you in what manner we entreat you will serve us in our present afflictions. Being informed that the Duke of Richmond [Master of Ordnance] is gone for Guernsey, my dear Brother has advised me to write to you, to request you would send for our worthy friend Walters, request of him to go to the Governor, Doctor Sausmarez, Mr Thomas Dobree & every other Person he will think proper, to request of them to speak to the Duke in my dear Husband's¹ favour, and endeavour to persuade him to do something for him, and if he does not chuse to give him the place again, to try to persuade him to allow him some small pension, or in short to do something for us in our present great Distress. My Dear Brother also says that he thinks it would be of great service if you would be so good to go yourself to speak to my cousin Thos Dobree (who promised & said that he would do all in his power to serve us) and to any other person you could think proper, your affectionate pleadings in our behalf might induce them to do something for us. We should imediately have gone to Guernsey ourselves but that we are trying to do all we can while we are on the spot to forward matters, but we much fear it will not be in our power to get a jot the forwarder if we could only persuade them to settle our Accts & pay us our due, that we might know at least what we have to depend upon, but when they will do that Heaven only knows. Desire Mr Walters not to forget to request of the Governor, to beg of the Duke to grant Mr Baldock some money for the Ballance of his Accounts, as we are in the greatest distress for want of it, having been obliged long ago to borrow money for the support of the Works, which is running on at interest for whant of money to repay those from whom it was had. God grant that this hard-hearted Duke may be induced to do something for us, my poor dear Mother why was I born to give her & all my friends so much uneasiness, my Duty to that Dear Parent, I really have not spirit to write to her. I am every Day with my dear Brother &c, they lodge within five or six Doors from us, my Poor Sister² is still very bad, but appears rather better, she is just gone in a Post chaise as far as Laytonstone to put Betsey³ to school. Doctor Le Messurier finds her much better and says that there is not in the least danger ... Mr Baldock & all friends joine with me in Love to you & all my dear Sisters & friends. Adieu my dearest Sister, may you never feel such sorrows as those which at this moment pierce the Heart of
Your loving and affectionate Sister,
Kitty Baldock
PS. All our united Love to our Dear Children & to that worthy good creature Elizabeth soon I hope we shall be with you.
Endorsed. Miss Frances Dobree Carey, at Mrs Judith Carey, Guernsey.
To the care of Messrs Hilgrove & Durell, Southampton.
¹ Christopher Bladock of the East India Company.
² Kitty's sister-in-law Mrs John Carey [nee Marie Le Ray], died in London this year, 1785.
³ Elizabeth, their daughter, b. 1770, died unmarried 1826.
London, August 20th 1790
Catherine Baldock nee Carey to her sister [Frances?]
By my letter to Jack sent by Captn Bienvenu you will have seen that we had a most charming passage of about 19 hours, and we set off in the stage for London last Friday morning where we arrived in the evening about six o'clock, and have been obliged to remain all this time at the Bell Savage Inn on Ludgate Hill for want of being able to get lodgings ... Mrs Barclay and both the young Ladies have been so good to come with us, and have got us very pretty lodgings indeed, for fifteen shillings a week in Surry Street, Black Friars Road, at a most delightful part of the Town, we are to take possession of our new lodgings tomorrow ... Last Sunday I went to Edmonton, my poor sister [Judith] looks better than one could immagine but for my part I am afraid she is in a very bad way (Then come details, very precise, about her illness.)... She was quite happy to see us and expressed the warmest sentiments of the sincerest gratitude for all the great kindness shewn to Caroline, and for all the favours conferred on her by my D[ear] Brothers and you all. Jack & Betsey Carey have been extremely kind in calling on us, they are very well, Betsy dined with us last Saturday and Jack & ben Le Mesurier supped with us last night. How truly we are enjoying to hear of dear Mary Carey's safe delivery, and that thank Heaven she is so well, God grant she may continue, and assure my Dr Brother how sincerely Mr Baldock and myself congratulate him on the joyful occasion. Yesterday Mr Baldock and me whent to see Carey le Pelley, he is very well and grows a very fine Boy, how happe (sic) he was to see us. We took him to drink tea with us, Mr Chapman gave him the best of characters, and assured me that he was a clever good boy. Mr Baldock joins me in duty to his Father, and tell th egood gentleman that I hope this will find him quite well, I shall write to him very soon. My love to sisiters Le Pelley and De Lisle, I hope the latter is quite recovered, I shall be anxious till I hear how she is and her little Nico. I saw poor Patty de Lisle yesterday, Mr Scott is in a droipsy and very poorly but Patty told me the Doctors have still hopes to recover him ... Our best Compts to Mr Walters, is Mrs Walters returned. Mr Baldock joins with me in love ... and that all Happiness may be your position is the most ardent wish of [your?] Dear Sister.
Yours affectionately, Catherine Baldock.
I may give Jack the following direction ...
Mrs Baldock, etc.
Mr Kerr, No 26 New Scurry Street, Blackfriars, London.
[Endorsed Miss Frances Do[ris?] Carey, Guernsey.]
Peter Carey to his sister Mary
Guernsey, October 24th 1814.
My dear Mary,
I am really very sorry not to have written to you before, but as John is the eldest it is but fair he should have had that pleasure before me, now that my turn is come I shall ... give you all the news. Poor little Anne [Esdyke?] died last week of the gout in her stomach. She is a great loss to her Papa and Mama who loved her as much as we all love you. We have had two marriages lately. Mr George Bell and Mrs Bowden last Monday week and the day after that Dr Le Cocq and Miss Maingay, many mulled wine parties have been given on this occasion. Papa and Mama are invited to one this evening which they have been obliged to decline, being engaged to dine at Uncle Nic's, they however drank tea with the two brides last Wednesday at Lady Smith's, both ladies were so smartly dressed and looked so well that the compnay were at a loss which to give the preference to. Uncle Octave arrived here last Saturday week, he says you were all well and happy when he saw you, which is the most agreable (sic) news he could bring us. He brought Papa your handsome present; they ['the card racks' - interpolated above in another hand] are extremely well done, and I am sure will prove useful. Papa, Mama and John unite with me in love to you and the Le Marchants, and believe me my dear Mary, Your affectionate brother, Peter Carey.¹
Endorsed: Miss Carey, Misses Atwood, Hammersmith House, Hammersmith.
¹ Note added later: '(Yes, this is Peter son of John and Rachel Carey Dobrée, and born in 1807, aftrwards Rector of St Saviour's.)'
Peter Carey to his brother John
Guernsey, January 3rd 1817.
Dear John,
As Papa has told me that I must make this letter out myself, I shall endeavour to do so and shall begin by answering the questions you put to me. For my Christmas gift, if you would be so kind as to give me some instructial (sic) and pretty book, I should be obliged to you, and I am sure Mrs Wilson will help you to get it, but do not take any trouble concerning it, in case you should be at a loss which to send me. I am very sorry to tell you that I have not had a prize this last half year, but be asured I shall try hard to get one in the next ... I am still in the second class in Latin... We broke up last Tuesday week, and are only to have twelve days for our holydays; we have to learn during that time all the tables that we have gone through, which are 18 in number, and which I think are a great deal too much. I suppose you know that I am in the first class in English, we are in letter P. And the next word is, Poetical, pertaining to poetry. I believe you are acquainted with the number of words which we learn at a time, but in case you are not, I shall tell you they are twenty. Mamma and I have looked at your Chestnut and Almond trees, several times, and they come on very well, in spite of cold, rain, and bad weather, and Mamma thinks that there is no occasion to shelter them as they are of a hardy nature. There were only a few of those fine pears left which you spoke of, and they have been stolen by some of the boys who kept Mr Waterman's sheep in our grounds. Papa, having found out one, was going to bring him before the Royal Court, but as he was not at home when we went to his house, and Papa having been too busy to call there again, we have not given ourselves any further trouble about him. The Players have been here about a month, and are considered to be a very good set. I have been there four times, Papa twice and Mamma once. I was particularly delighted with Pizarro and The Miller and His Men. The last of these, my dear John, opened with a view of the Mill of Grindoff at work, and finished with its destruction by fire, I think tht part was the prettiest, and I hope you were as much amused with the Plays you may have seen in London as I was with this one, Papa wishignto say a few words obliges me to conclude my letter which I hope you will answer soon. Aunt and Peter de Lancey, as well as all our maids desire to be particularly remembered to you. Believe me dear John, Your truly, P Carey [NOTE: 'aged 10']
PS ['The father's note.'] I shall fill the remainder of Peter's sheet by saying that he eat (sic) his Christmas and New Year's Dinner at Peter de Lancey's as we were engaged on the former day at Miss Patty Le Marchant's and on the latter at Mr Bob Le Marchant's. Sophia continues well, and her great delight is to hear me explain to her the little book with animals that Peter bought at Southampton 2 years ago. James de Lancey does not come over these holidays as he was so ill and terrified on board of Captn Grut when they were nearly lost, that he feels no inclination to put to sea again. How fortunate you were that I did not listen to your proposal.
Endorsed. Master Carey.
Rachel Carey Dobrée to her son Peter
Guernsey, 26 Spetember 1821.
My dear Peter,
... since your Papa's departure I have recd three most entertaining letters from him, giving me a full account of everything which had befallen them since they left Guernsey ... I am ignorant when I can expect him back, your Uncle Nic offers to bet half a crown with anybody that he will be back to presied at the Chief Pleas next Monday. I wish he may be right ... John went off in high spririts expecting to find France a real Paradise, God grant he may not be disappointed. I long to hear how he makes it out, for I very much doubt his relishing the drudgery of a counting house, which will be doubly so to him from his possessing so little knowledge of the French language. His friend Peter Delancey left today for Southampton on his way to Warminster, where he is to remain until Christmas, his mother has written to Mr Maingy to take him, but as this gentleman only takes a limited number, and there was no vacancy he was obliged to refuse. College was then thought of and Peter Paul [Dobrée] consulted, but as he has not thought fit to answer the letter your Aunt had no choice left but to send him back with his old friend Griffiths, this being a good opportunity to send you a Cake (as he will see it safely put in the waggon) and that I suppose you would have no objection, I set both the Rachels to work yesterday morning to pick the currants, and if I may judge from the appearance of the Cake [it] will do credit to her who made it, and I hope both you and your companions may enjoy it. I have put two half-crowns which you will find wrapped in paper in the box with the Cake. Denis has been here about six weeks, his most intimate friend Mr Fanshaw accompanied him and has been living with him in Betsey's house. During his stay in the island he has naturally seen a great deal of the inmates of Candie, and I am happy to say he has found Catherine¹ (who is likewise here) so much to his taste that he has made an offer of his hand and heart, whihc has been accepted. It is a most desirable connection, as the young man is in every way calculated to render her happy; he is a clergyman and has a living about ten miles from London, his family is ancient and his expectations great. On his part he will have a charming girl who possesses many accomplishments, and whose taste for domestic pleasure fully accords with his own, as that there is every reason to hope that theirs will be un heureux ménage.¹ Albert Carey's father ['Thomas Carey, son of Isaac'] has likewise been one of the lucky few, he is engaged (some say married) to a Miss Jackson, an English Lady who is here on a visit to Mrs Lane. She is a middle-aged woman, sensible and well-informed and has a fortune of £200 per ann. His children may not relish the control of a mother-in-law, but as he meant to marry again they ought to think themselves very fortunate that his choice has been so judicious. Poor Dan de Lisle has met with a sad accident in Jersey, on Friday last as he was walking from his lodgings to the Pier to embark on the Packet for this island, being unacquantied with the place and the night dark, he was precipitated from a height of 17 feet and had his collar bone broken, bad as this is he has reason to thank his stars, as it was a miracle he was not killed on the spot. James Condamine's father was buried yesterday, his health had been declining for a long time, so much so that he resigned the place of Comptoller which he has held many years to our neighbour lawyer Le Cocq. His eldest son is a pattern of filial affection having devoted himself to his father during the last year of his life. Little Sophy has been taking flowers of sulphur ... she often talks of dear little Pierrotchon and wishes he was here to play with ... The Ladies at Government House decline all invitations and therefore will be no acquisition to the card parties ... Adieu my dear little Peter, and believe me to remain, Yours affectionately, Rl C-- ['Rachel Carey Dobrée, wife of John Carey, son of John and Marie Le Ray.']
To: 'Master Peter Carey.
Mr Squires',
¹ Catherine Stephens Le Marchant, daughter of John Gaspard Le Marchant. There is a book of letters from John Le Marchant to his daughter Catherine in the Library. See also A Victorian Rector in the Library collection.
Guernsey, April 8th 1823
My dear Peter,
... Yesterday we had our Town Chief Pleas. In the morning I learnt that several of our hopeful youths had gone up and down to procure Powers of substiution from the Lords of Fiefs and Bordiers so as to partake of the Dinner. In quality of the former I believe they had a right to come, but as to the latter I am much mistaken if they are entitled to dine with the Court. They may claim a dinner but that is suivant à leur condition, that is upon eggs and bacon and perhaps a joint of beef, and in a separate room. All which would neither suit their Palate nor inclination. Between this and our next meeting I shall have time to examine the question, according as I find it, so they shall be treated, for they are entitled to no indulgence after their pretty behaviour and they must be in great want of a dinner to get it that way. Those who came were John Brock, Billy the rough and Billy the smooth, as they are called, alias the two Tuppers, and young Condamine. They had all promised themselves great glee at the Gentlemen's table where they posted themselves on coming in; but they were no sooner seated than I packed them off to the Court Table, to the great merriment of the Company, who enjoyed the joke and laughed heartily at their expense. Thus the biter was bit, and poor William Tupper of Hauteville found himself seated between two Bordiers, Daniel de Mouilpied and le Sieur Jan Blampied, so you may suppose how silly he looked. He however braved it as well as he could, but the other Bordiers and all the lawyers' clerks asking him to take wine with them, the poor fellow was completely drunk, before the cloth was removed. He was taken upstairs where he roared like a bull for upwards of an hour, bucking and destroying everything that came in his way, and at last was forced out of the House by some of his friends who conducted him home followed by all the children in the Town. Oliver who enjoyed himself as much last time was scandalized at the whole proceeding, and instead of the pleasure he expected got a complete surfeit of it and spent a most unpleasant evening - so much for the follies of youth ...
Ever yours, John Carey.
James de Lancey has taken his passage and expects to sail the 1st of May.
Guernsey 32rd September 1823
Many thanks my dearest Peter for your very satisfactory letter of the 24th ult. ... Your Papa and John did not leave Guernsey until Sunday 24th, the wind having continued south and south west all the week and blowing so hard that no Cherbourg boat could possibly arrive. At least on the Friday when they had made up their mind to sail for Granville on the following day, Poulain made his appearance and promised to be off again on Sunday morning 5 o'clock ... but the weather was so thick that the Captn would not sail but promised to sail at 3 in the afternoon ... the account [your Papa] gives of his sufferings during the 24 hours he was on board does not surprise me. He says that having many ladies on board, he had not been able to get a berth but was obliged to sit on the lockers the greater part of the night, he tried to lie down on the floor with a 'sac de nuit' for a pillow, but the fleas were in such numbers and so troublesome that they soon drove him to his former station ... In the morning he contrived to crawl on deck and eat the leg of a fowl, whilst John, who had remained on deck all the time demolished the remainder, shortly after, one of the ladies leaving her cabin, he took possession of it until he was called on to view the entrance to Cherbourg which, tho' not so beautiful as Havre, is still very pretty.
I had forgot to mention that Mrs Barlow (Major McCrea's daughter) who is going to reside at Paris for a couple of years that her daughter may have the advantage of a French education, asked your Papa to take them under his protection which request he could not possibly refuse.
The examination of all their luggage took up the greatest part of the evening and after taking a warm bath your Papa and John went to bed. ... Here they were forced to remain to the Wednesday owing to Monday being La Saint-Louis la mairie was shut and they could not get passports ... John went off in high glee, but I very much doubt his having made up his mind to go to the Ecole de Commerce, on the contrary I suspect that Durand and him have some scheme in head as he (Durand) told your Papa that he might possibly go there himself and he certainly is not a lad that would relish being kept at work from morning till night. He gave John also a letter for a Lady who boards young men, so that I think their plan is to go as externe [?] and not otherwise. How all this will end God knows, but I own I am far from being easy. P. de Lancey has written a letter to John that does him great honour, he says he fags from morning till night and never sees the outside of the College except on Sundays, but that he is perfectly happy, would to God that John could be brought to think so. Anna Maria was married yesterday at St Martin's Church, after which the party, which consisted only of the mother, brothers, and sisters, Uncle and Aunt Mourant, Misses Macqueen and Priaulx, partook of a dinner at Alexander's, and remained there until the evening, when the whole cavalcade passed our door, as they were returning to their respective houses. The weather was beautiful, so I have no doubt they had a charming day of it. I have seen no-one so can not give you any particulars. At night Sophy drank their health in a cup of mull'd wine which the bride had sent us, I wish I could have shared it with you. Your Rabbits are very well ... Adieu.
To: Mr Peter Carey,
Rev'd Charles Musgrave,
Woodlesford House,
near Leeds, Yorkshire.
Guernsey, 4th May 1829
My dear Peter,
The news of your success has indeed filled us with heartfelt joy, and I congratulate you most sincerely on having come off with so much eclat. Your name in the public Prints appearing at the head of the newly elected Scholars, which, from its not being inserted alpahabetically, leaves us no doubt in our minds of your being the distinguished man. Your letter, as you may suppose, was opened with no little emotion, as I should have felt cruelly mortified at your failure - happily all danger of the kind is now over, and the anxiety we before experienced has given place to feelings of the most enviable contentment. Indeed I can truly say that no event in my life has given me more real happiness, and the old Lady, I assure you, is not less alive to the happy termination of your labours nor are the girls wanting in eulogy towards their Brother, who is equally applauded by every branch of the family. ... You have of course learned of the melancholy death of poor James de Lancey, [it] was a shock so overwhelming that one can hardly realize it even now. My aunt seems to be much supported in this time of trouble. ... Oliver has felt his loss acutely, poor fellow, he quite dreads the thought of being soon obliged to return to the same unfortunate country. John is not so much affected by it. He had not seen James for 12 years and could hardly know much of him. At his moment his whole mind is absorbed in one object. You would smile to see his new mode of making love. When anyone is present Grace [Priaulx] remains altogether disregarded, our old cat would attract his attention more than his fair one, yet I fancy he must assume another nature when they are alone, for she seems perfectly happy. Their marriage is not yet decided. Joshua [Priaulx, son of Anthony of 'The Mount'] will first set them the example, the cakes are baked. Betsy Carey most probably will follow after, then Emily Tupper, Eliza Foster you know is off the list; she now signs Eliza Sandeman. ... Ernest Le Pelly (sic) and Amelia arrived here a few weeks since. They have a lovely boy that is likely to turn the Papa's brain, never have I seen greater adoration. He is worse than Daniel over his little Gassy.¹ By the bye this last is going over, and two of his chicks, on a visit to the Fanshawes. Baby is to be entrusted to the care of Mrs Mourant. Today has been a busy day for the proprietor of St James' Church. Mr Isdill [Charles Drake Isdell, Rector from 1818-1828] having resigned, a new minister must be appointed. The matter is not yet settled but there is little doubt of Mr Dawson's election. He is the one whose name had so often been seen on the papers with that of Capt. Atchison, most of the congregation seem to wish to have him. Papa is still emplyed in 'the cause' but not quite so incessantly, for owing to Mrs Hunter's death and other causes the business has been put off. Mr John Priaulx is also dead. Joshua gets an additional £250 per annum, all the Priaulx are mentioned in the will. The children of Carteret, Grace, and Liz has (sic) 46 each (per annum) the others have less, and Miss Rachel Robin gets 100 francs yearly for her services. Miss Potenger is also on the list of the deceased, but of all these none was more melancholy than the sudden fatal illness of young Carew Jones* (D Brock's nephew). The poor boy was only a few days in pain. The doctors opened the body and were astonished to find it was so diseased that had he recovered the fever he could not have survived much longer. ... All the College boys and masters attended to the grave one who but one week before was the very picture of health and joy. ... D Tupper and his wife embark on Saturday. - they dine with us in Friday with E Le Pelly and his wife, the Dobrees of the Catel and Betsy Carey, two De Lanceys, Grace and Lizzy, and I hope your Uncle Octave (Note: 'from different members of Peter Carey's family').
To: Peter Carey Esq.,
Trin: Coll: Cambridge.
¹ Daniel Tupper, over his son by Anna Maria Le Marchant (m. 1823, see letter above), Gaspard Le Marchant Tupper.
Trin[ity]: Coll[ege]:
January 1832
My dear Mary,
... But all this time I am forgetting to wish you a happy New Year ... and blessings on the gentle Marianne.¹ Touching this last I was amused with your sober advice about looking before I leap ... However the old lady need not alarm herself; I have not sent a letter of proposal, not am I likely to do so ... The volumes of Scott that you mention, I have with me. I wish you could contrive to see more of Marianne, I admire your prudence, but too great caution may have as bad an effect as the reverse. However, you are best judge. Tell Harriet D J² I wish her joy of the husband-to-be in coming to her in the shape of Tom Andros.
Yours, Peter
To: Miss Carey, Grange, Guernsey.
¹ Marianne Maingay, whom he eventually married.
² Harriet de Jersey. Note from Edith Carey: 'She did not marry Thomas Andros, but, later on, my grandfather, Mr Thomas Gosselin of Springfield.'
* Carew Jones. From the Elizabeth College register we learn that Carew Jones went up to Elizabeth College in Easter Term of 1825. He was born on May 11, 1813, son of the solicitor and prominent antiquarian Pitman Jones (1786-1860) of St Loyes, Heavitree, Exeter, and Mary Carey Brock. He was therefore but a few days from his sixteenth birthday when he died. His brothers, Winslow Jones (b. 1815) and Fulford Jones (b. 1830) also attended Elizabeth College. Winslow followed in his father's footsteps to become a very successful solicitor and antiquarian; he died in 1895. Fulford, however, also died while at Elizabeth College, of typhoid in 1843, aged 13.