Engagement of Thomas Le Marchant and Marie Marthe Mauger, 1740
11th November 2015
Marie's father Charles Mauger settles money upon her, half of which is to be given to her husband the day after their marriage. This money is to be managed by her new husband, Thomas Le Marchant, for her benefit only, and will always remain hers and will pass to her direct heirs. The remaining money will be given to her, or to her direct heirs, after her father's death, once again to be invested on her and her family's behalf. This was one of the ways that Guernsey families retained their interests in their own estate and properties, and which enabled women to have rights to their own property after their husband's death. A fiancé could himself settle monies or property on his intended upon their engagment, in the form of gages, or pledges, hers to keep if they married, or a douaire, or dowry, which on the event of his death she could claim from his estate.
Contract de mariage entre Mr Thos Le Marchant & Dlle Marie Marthe Mauger
Le xviie jour du mois de Juilet, l'an mille sept cents quarante, devant les Témoins sous-signez ont comparu personelement Monsr Thomas Le Marchant, fils du feu Monsieur William Le Marchant de Sausmarez au Câtel, & Demoiselle Marie Marthe Mauger, lesquels en presence & du consentement de Monsr Charles Mauger, Père de la ditte Dlle Marie Marthe Mauger, se sont mutuellement donné leur Foy, & ont promis de s'entre'Epouser, suivant les Rites & Cérémonies de l'Eglise Anglicane, aussi tôt que l'un ou l'autre le requérera, ou que leur Commodité le permettra. En Considération duquel dit futur mariage, le dit Monsr Charles Mauger a promis & s'est obligé de donner en mariage a sa ditte Fille la somme de Quatorze mille Livres tournois, qui seront payés & employez de la manière & aux Conditions suivantes, sans lesquelles le dit futur mariage ne se fut point contracté; savoir, le dit Monsr Charles Mauger promet & s'oblige de payer au dit Monsr Thomas Le Marchant, le lendemain du mariage du dt Monsr Le Marchant & de la dte Dlle Mauger, la somme de sept mille Livres tournois, laquelle ditte somme de sept mille Livres tournois le dit Monsr Thomas Le Marchant promet & s'oblige d'employer en Héritage en cette Isle, soit a acquérir & achéter maisons, terres ou rentes, au Nom de la ditte Dlle Mauger sa ditte future Epouse, & pour tenir côté & Ligne d'Elle & de ses héritiers. Et pour les Sept autres mille Livres tournois, le dit Monsr Charles Mauger promet & s'oblige qu'après son Deceds, les dits futurs mariez ou Hoirs directs de la dte Dlle Marie Marthe Mauger sa fille, les leveront sur l'entier de la Succession du dit Monsr Charles Mauger, pour être aussi employez a acquerir de l'héritage en cette Isle por le profit & avantage des dts futurs Epoux, & pour tenir côté & ligne de la dte Dlle Marie Marthe Mauger sa fille & hoirs d'icelle; Et est le present Contract de mariage fait sans préjudice à la part d'héritage qui echéora à la ditte Dlle Marie Marthe Mauger par le deceds du dt Monsr Chalres Mauger son Père. A Tout quoy faire, tenir & accomplir les sudtes parties se sont obligées les unes envers les autres sur l'obligation réciproque de leur biens meubles & héritages & es leurs Hoirs presents & futurs. Fait & signé triple tant par les parties que Témoins l'an & jour avant dits.
Henry Mauger. Charles Mauger Fils: Témoins. Cha: Mauger. Thos: le Marchant. Marie Marthe Mauger.
Marriage contract between Mr Thomas Le Marchant and Miss Marie Marthe Mauger
17 June 1740. Monsieur Thomas Le Marchant son of William of Sausmarez in the Castel, and Damoiselle Marie Marthe Mauger daughter of Charles (in the presence of and with the consent of her father), came before the undersigned witnesses and betrothed themselves to each other, and promised that they would be married according to the Rites and Ceremonies of the Anglican Church, whenever either of them desires it, or at their Convenience. In consideration of this marriage which is due to take place, Monsieur Charles Mauger has promised to give his daughter at the time of her marriage the sum of 14,000 livres tournois, which are to be subject to the following Conditions; if these said Conditions are not upheld, this marriage contract will be void; the Conditions are, that the said Monsieur Charles Mauger promises and is legally bound to pay the said Monsieur Thomas Le Marchant, the day following his marriage to Miss Mauger, 7,000 livres tournois, which Monsieur Thomas Le Marchant promises and is legally bound to invest in property in this Island, by buying either houses, land, or rents, in the Name of his fiancée, the said Miss Mauger, and to keep it in her side of the family and for direct heirs in her line. And as for the remaining 7,000 livres tournois, Mr Charles Mauger promises and is legally bound that after his death the future married couple or the direct heirs of his daughter, Miss Marie Marthe Mauger, may take this sum from the whole of his estate, and that it should also be used to increase assets in the Island to the profit and advantage of the future couple, and to keep it in her side of the family and for direct heirs in her line. This marriage contract in no way prejudices that part of the estate of Mr Charles Mauger which would ordinarily come to the said Miss Mauger upon her father's death. Both the parties are legally obliged to fulfil all the terms of this contract having pledged against it their property and assets and that of their present and future heirs. Made and triple signed by the parties and the witnesses on the date specified above.