Donations 2017
3rd January 2018
As always, we have received some exceptional material this year from very kind and generous donors. Above: the Guernsey Arms circular-headed window from Jane Mahy's report on the stained-glass windows of Grange House, one of this year's donations.
June Cunningham of Guernsey gave us a tablecloth, beautifully embroidered by past members of the WI, c 1950. [Strong Room]
From Patricia Lowe came Children's Treasury (1878) and R J Raymond gave us Histouaires en Agour'gnais (Book + CD).
Local historian Gillian Lenfestey gave us a fine selection of local material: Transactions of La Société Guernesiaise 1934, Merchant Marks x 3 (modern). William Moulin image, Edith Hart image x 4, two negatives: one of Carey house bottom of Cornet Street and one of Old St Peter Port printed QRGS; Correspondence from Victor Collas to Prof. E B Moullin (helped T F Priaulx write the book The Guernsey House; information on how the Guernsey Society was formed). Illustrated London News, one page 19.4.1855, & 2 pages 7.6.1845; typewritten copies of title deeds relating to the estate of Pierre Guillebert, Les Prevosts, St Saviour (see QRGS Vol IX No 3 and 4 Winter 1953/54). Notes on Thomas Andrew Naftel (clockmaker); notes of the Priaulx Family and some addresses of descendants of John and Elizabeth Priaulx. Quarterly Review of the Guernsey Society; Transactions of La Société Guernesiaise; Actes des États, Ordres en Conseil, Recueil d'Ordonnances; Freddie Priaulx's volume in memory of Walter H. Langlois. 1899 O.S. Maps of Guernsey (5 sheets); De La Mare and Robin trees, x2 of each and De La Mare family info. Family Trees for: Robin, Thoumine, De La Mare, De Beauvoir, De Saumarez, Le Messurier/Mesurier, Brock. Copies of the Star 1942-1945 & GEP 1940-1945. La Nouvelle Maison Rustique, Tome Premier & Tome Troisième together with loose illustrations. Various pamphlets : La Hougue Bie, Jersey, Lecture 1909, Ladies College; Events in Guernsey History; 1865 Société Royale D'Agriculture, Loi Relative Au Registre National, Coronation of King George VI & Queen Elizabeth, States of Guernsey Airport (inside ticket to the opening), Regal Cinema Poster and souvenir photograph of Sir Edward Broadbent. Gazette June 23 1798, Gazette de Guernsey 12 April 1817, Gazette de Guernsey 6 September 1845, Supplement to Mercure de Guernsey 4 February 1826, Supplement to the Star 29 August 1826, Enquiry into Elizabeth College 1824, cutting from The Star 3 August 1934, Memorial to Lord de Saumarez, The Herm Islander newsletter, Bulletin May 1967 Growing & Farming in Guernsey, A Sloper at Bow Street comic paper, The Favourite Comic paper, Weekly Press 19 November 1928, Daily Mirror September 15 1939, Coronation Supplement 9th May 1937, Daily Graphic May 1st 1947, The Kings Army magazine, 'The Diamond Jubilee,' Pall Mall June 19 1897. 1867 Cadastre of St Peter Port. Illustrated Police News. 'To the Queen Most Excellent Majesty, Humble Petition' 16 August 1971. Gloucester & District Channel Islands Society Anniversary Meeting, dated 11 March 1944.
Mrs Ede-Golightly donated her report How the Ladies College building in the Grange was used during WWII, together with her colleague, Jane Mahy (Ladies' College Guild), who gave us a copy of her investigations into Ladies College Guild Stained Glass Windows sited at Grange House. Mrs Ede-Golightly also gave us a copy of a Melrose Girls' School report on Lilian Dingle.
Mary Jury of Herne Bay kindly donated a scrapbook (Kaines family): 2 Aerial Photographs of St Peter Port, 8 photographs of St Peter Port. Newspaper cuttings and images of the 'Wee Mite' from GEP, various correspondence relating to Henry Turner (e.g his opposition to George Campbell tried and found guilty sentenced to 10 years penal servitude, Mr Turner being posted to Sark, Princess of Wales accepting a photograph Turner gave etc.) [Strong Room]
S & A Carey gave us a copy of the Guernsey and Jersey Magazine Vol V (1838) and Vol 1V (1837), and Geoffrey Gale of Norwich A pedestrian tour through the islands of Guernsey & Jersey by William Walmesley. (Ed. K. Renault),
P J Lemmon donated the journals of the Wiltshire Family History Society Jan 1995-Oct 2017, and the Hampshire Family Historian, May 1999-Sept 2017.
From Ian Birch of Otterton and Rosemary Birch of Guernsey: A booklet re Guernsey History (General). Aerial Photographs; 8 dated 19.4.1974 / 10 West Coast / 7 South / 7 North to South.
Miscellaneous books: from Averil James of Wraysbury came a book by a former Librarian, On Service by Capt. J. Percy Groves; Tony Bussell gave us 10 days, one Guernsey Summer; Bert Enevoldsen gave us a copy of his A Guernsey School Boy in Wartime; Rosemary Kelleher of Camberwell, Victoria, Australia donated Serfs, Subjects and Citizens by Mary Clare Kelleher and Patchwork Prisoners by Trudy Cowley and Dianne Snowden, about transportation to Australia; author Sarah-Jayne Lainé donated a signed copy of her recent An Animal Anthology and Fred Gallienne a copy of his The Harassment of Mr De Bré.
Valentine Fallan of Hastings donated the 'Gerzey' section of a copy of the Cassini map.
M Dowding donated St Martins Church Grave Records on CD.
Ray Le Mesurier-Foster gave us The Alderney Branch: Paul Le Mesurier (1755-1805) Mayor of London.
Mrs Elizabeth Calvert of Boston Spa donated maps from her grandfather, (Allan R De Carteret, author of the Fief of Sark); and The Fief of Sark (with A H Ewen).
D E Guilbert gave us The House of Mackay, and Sylvia Jopson of Brentwood donated a Pringle Family History.
Brenda Searle's Personal account of the evacuation from Guernsey and experience as an evacuee, donated via Zoe Ash. In People's War box (Strong Room),
Mrs Julia McCullan of Witney gave us assorted GEP cuttings on L'Islet dolmen, 2 occupation postcards and an Occupation Museum leaflet.
Ms D Munroe donated the papers of the Guernsey Womens' Hockey Association. Hockey photographs and press cuttings (in dunlop folder): Pink folder containing ephemera re hockey: Committee Meeting Minutes Book 1958 - 1971: Committee Meeting Minutes Book 1928 - 1955: Guernsey Womens Hockey General Meeting Minutes 1928 - 1966: One notebook
Mrs S Midgley donated a selection of books and pamphlets: Liberation Day programme for 1949, Channel Islands Monthly Review August 1945 ( Journal of CI Refugees in Great Britain), Elizabeth II coronation and souvenir programme x2, Programme for the Queen's visit 1957, War Production record, History of Guernsey Lifeboat Station by Guy Blampied, Channel Islands Occupied compiled by Richard Mayne, Wrecked on the Channel Islands by David Couling, Les Fouaillages and the Megalithic Monuments of Guernsey by Ian Kinnes and J A Grant and The Channel Islands: A New Study by Victor Coysh.
Les Bourgs Hospice Shop kindly passed over to us thirty assorted local prints and a copy of Matthias Finucane's print 'Market Square' and its key.
Maggie Falla gave us a copy of her dissertation: Holy Trinity 1789-1983. Sue Veillard donated a History of the United Reformed Church. From Michael J L Le Tissier came a pamphlet, Capelles Methodist Church: The Story of 225 Years.
David Le Conte, the Librarian and archivist for La Société Guernesiaise, gave us an engraved plate of a Paddle Steamer; assorted books and pamphlets; and material re the De La Rue company, Papermaking in Britain; Portals, 250 Years of Paper Making; and Portals.
Peter J Martel donated photographs of the Le Ber Memorial & Miller's Express Car. Alison Banfield gave us a school photograph dated c. 1932 (not her own class!).
From Mrs R Tupper of Jersey has come a real treasure trove: the Ferdinand Brock Tupper papers [see separate account.]
Trade and commerce: Brian Barnes gave us items re Le Riches stores, including a photograph of the founders of the store, and one of delivery trucks; other photographic items; store history, examples of headed paper, an advertisement, share certificates and company records. Tony Jehan gave us copies of two volumes he has written concerning the history of the Ironstores.
K & C Birch gave us three Ledger Books from Le Foulon Farm, and a box containing 70 documents of mostly leases and wills relating to Lihou family; local historian Graham Guille also donated family documents, photographs and family trees & wills and some family history research: The Life & Times of Henry Mahy; General Research Notes of the Guille Family; and Riddle of the Sun Dial: Monamy.
Dr Philip Wood of Newport, IOW, sent us six Star newspapers from the Occupation period. Dorothy Dowding also gave us copies of newspapers from the occupation. From Mrs Penelope J Matheson of Limassol, Cyprus, came a copy of Frank Falla's The Silent War and The Guernsey Weekly Press of 15 May 1945.
Julie Main donated several books: A Subaltern's War, by Charles Edmonds; Nouveau Testament (Ostervald); Liturgie (SPCK); five Ostervald Bibles (local Sunday School prizes), and Kay Rawlins-Duquemin also gave us some local books.
Lloyd Le Tocq donated a copy of the important Atlas Linguistique et ethnographique normand par Patrice Brasseur, v. II, which was given by the author to Harold Naftel, who in turn presented it to Lloyd Le Tocq. We will be having this bound. Peter Gill gave us The Memoirs and Correspondence of Admiral Lord de Saumarez, Vols 1 & 2, and Juliet Campbell of Oxford One small island and two world wars: the life & times of Major General Wilfred d'A Collings.
From John David. Papers of the Reverend John Guille: a five-year diary including an account of visit to Sark; Sark diary August 1956; photographs & Kodachrome slides.
Our colleague Margaret Edwards gave us a collection of 75 cards and postcards of local scenes, and Mrs Jennifer Frith of Southam a photograph and postcard album of 1929 with views of Guernsey, Sark, Herm and Jethou.
Mrs Susan Monaghan of Street made the very generous donation of items of exceptional Victor Hugo interest, which had been left to her by her grandfather, the architect Spence Cary Curtis. 1. A letter concerning the collection from Canon Anselm Bourde de la Rogerie to Spencer Carey Curtis. 2. Letter to Hugo from Delphine Gay de Girardin. 3. Letter of 1862 from Adèle Hugo to her mother (annotated by Kesler). 4. Letter to Kesler in London from Maxime du Camp, 25 May 1853 (annotated by Kesler). 5. Letter from Veuve Lucien Bonaparte to Hugo (annotated by Kesler). 6. Letter from Junot to Hugo (annotated by Kesler). 7. John Brown, photograph, signed by Victor Hugo. [Susan Monaghan Collection.] Mrs Caroline Timms donated a fine copy of L'Archipel de La Manche by Victor Hugo, published Paris, 1883.
Mr Byrom donated several volumes of The Report and Transactions of La Societe Guernesiaise Transactions and the 1969 Bulletin of the Société Jersiaise.
Geoff Le Gallez gave us the 1854 Appendix to Billet (found in our Billet in 1885); Billet 1917 (Musical Instrument Loans to RGLI) and part of 1917 Billet re relief.
Three very interesting scrapbooks featuring information mostly about the Cobo area came from Enid Green (Cobo Mission.)
Mrs Kathleen Bichard gave us The Remarkable A R Bennett (1850 - 1928), by M G Williams.
Susan Dodd presented us with a very interesting set of photographs and postcards (mostly St Pierre du Bois). Photographs: Gosselin re print St Peter Port Glategny? / St Pierre du Bois Girls Friendly Society / Arsène Garnier, unknown man / Photo of Clifford Francis Robin in uniform / 3 x St Pierre du Bois Church / 2 x St Pierre du Bois Church Choir date 1935-38 with names on the back / St Pierre du Bois Choir, Robin connection, with names on back, undated / La Houguette School, Robin connection. D C Brock in uniform. Ernest de Garis. Saumarez Park House. Bailiff Stafford Carey 1845. Group photo depicting certificate of Reverend H W Brock; photo of H W Brock, Rector St Pierre du Bois. Miss Le Gros, St Martins; Miss Quertier, now Mrs Long. St Pierre du Bois Douzaine, 1870. Postcards: two calves and a lady; 3 Postcards St Pierre du Bois Church; 2 Postcards Saumarez Park Bazaar (two showing Irish Stall, one showing Scottish stall); 2 Grand Querrue (F W Guerin); girls dressed in white. Grounds of OGH. A Guernsey Kitchen. Group of men in bowler hats showing A E Brouard and Lenfestey. Military Albert Pier. A Chevauchee Souvenir Programme; the Annual Report of the Royal Horticultural Society year 1959; Cavalcade and Old Guernsey Pageant Souvenir Programme; Rent book dated 4 October 1894 (James de Garis); Notebook Perchage du Fief Luart & Dependencies. [Susan Dodd Collection, Strong Room.]
Peter Young of Sevenoaks, Kent: A booklet about the southern Music Training Centre (John Longmire research).
Mrs Joy Liggett and Mr K G Clayton. An introduction to school hygiene by W.B. Drummond; Public school elementary French grammar by Auguste Brachet; Midwifery made easy by M L Skinner.
Mr Beers gave us some unusual items: an advertisment for Vautier's; a Dog Licence; Duquemin papers &c.
Jenny Tasker gave us a copy of Women in Guernsey at the turn of the millennium, Soroptimist International.Sandra Burton, acting for Stanley Le Tocq, gave us 15 volumes of Recueil de cantiques published by H Brouard: Nouveau Testament; La Sainte Bible (1864); La Sainte Bible, transl. David Martin; Recueil de Cantiques (1878); Recueil de Cantiques (1855) & (1868); Contes à ma jeune famille; Cantiques à l'usage des écoles du dimanche (1866); Recueil de cantiques à l'usage des églises Baptistes de Guernsesy et Jersey (1839); Notes explicatives et pratiques sur les actes des apôtres (1858); La Sainte Bible (David Martin) (1866) ; La Chine / Charles Piton; Sainte Bible (Sunday school prize presented to Thomas, son of Daniel Girard.
G J C Bois of St Saviour, Jersey, donated a copy of his Jersey Superstitions in etching & poetry (2nd ed. & extended edition).
Janet Harbottle gave us Channel Islands occupied (videorecordings) : Tomahawk Films.
Gordon Dawes donated the excellent Paris 1259, published by the Guernsey Bar in 2016.
Jane Johnson of Fareham donated The History of Grace Keates (Tostevin), (2 folders) collated by Barbara Tostevin.
Tom Le Pelley gave us a collection of newspapers with articles about royalty, and a Bible.
Rose Naftel gave us a copy of Common Seaweeds by Mrs Louisa Lane Clarke.
Mark Lamerton of Jersey donated a Postcard and three negatives of the Little Chapel.