Col. Ernest Le Pelley's MSS: Unlinked Le Pelleys

22nd May 2024

Registers of unlinked Le Pelley's

See Col. Le Pelley's MSS 1

Registers of unlinked Le Pelleys


7 November 1578: Anne daughter of Thomas, presented by Richard Mahy

1587: Jeanette daughter of Collas, presented by Nicolas Nant

1 May 1595: Thomas son of Thomas, presented by Collin Henry

12 May 1609: Thomas son of Thomas, presented by Thomas Falla

8 August 1617: Collas son of Pierre, presented by Pierre Falla Jr.

Registers of French Church of Threadneedle Street:

January 21 1638: De Roquigni son of the late Adrien de Roquiegny (sic) native of Avremenil in Normandy and Sara Moulin, widow of the late Pierre Pelley, native of Guernsey.


21 May 1628: Thomas Le Pelley, 'killed by a soldier with a knife in the road'.

'Thomas Le Pelley son of Peter sold a house to John Tupper, son of Henry, 9 January 1600, with its garden and the Pavilion or Tournelle, called The Maison du Bordage.'

The inhabitants of St Sampson's complain that their 2 quarters of wheat rent is diverted from their own Parish to pay "one John Le Pelley, a schoolmaster, teaching in the Parish of the Vale, near adjoining"

Notes from Falla Deeds. 1521. Pierre Le Pelley son of John (du Valle), John Bouyllon and Pierre Cousin in the right of their wives daughters of ht esaid John Le Pelley and sisters of the said Pierre ...