25 December, 1955: the Christmas Pudding Dive

From the Guernsey Star of 28 December, 1955.
Unique gala had Christmas Pudding Dive!
In the summer it’s the 'Fire Dive.' Because it was Christmas Day it was called the 'Christmas Pudding Dive.' The setting’s the same, and diver Norman Gardner is the same—but it’s still a thrill for performer and onlooker. This was one of the highlights of Sunday morning’s gala at La Vallette.
The Christmas Day gala did not mar the usual happy-go-lucky charm of the event which is organised by the Guernsey Swimming Club every year. Although the Club organised races and other events a friendly 'let’s have fun together' atmosphere was retained.
The weather was ideal, and the sun attracted about 50 swimmers to La Vallette for the first Christmas Day gala in Guernsey, and the only one anywhere in the United Kingdom this year.
See Great Water Gymkhana, 1938, for another fire dive, this time horizontally through a hoop. See Tim Bowditch's film, Firedive.