The Library's collections are maintained in Candie House, a Georgian townhouse that was donated to the people of Guernsey by Osmond de Beauvoir Priaulx to become a free Library, along with the accompanying Candie Gardens and his vast book collection.
The Priaulx Library, set in picturesque Candie Gardens, has since 1889 been collecting, cataloguing and preserving records, artefacts and books that document Guernsey's history and unique identity. The Library aims to make this important collection as accessible as possible and the archives are open to the public. You can also search our collections online from the Guernsey Libraries catalogue. Our staff are also able to assist with enquiries and work closely with individuals, schools and other institutions on research and educational projects.
Our collections include maps, family records, pictures, photographs, books, local newspapers, family and military records and important local documents. Our project to digitise the Library's unique holdings, the Digital Priaulx, is well underway. We are a lending and reference library, and provide research and reproduction services.
The Library collects material about Guernsey and its Bailiwick. Space constraints mean we cannot accept all donations: to find out more, please see our acquisitions policy.
Candie House was built around 200 years ago by Peter Mourant, a merchant and businessman, and was later bought by Joshua Priaulx in 1830, who sold it on to his brother Osmond de Beauvoir. In 1871 Osmond gifted his collection of rare books, together with the house and its grounds, to the island of Guernsey. That's Osmond to the right; a scholar, liberal, and bon viveur, he was apparently a lot more fun in real life than he looks in his picture!
Why not help the Library in its work by joining the Friends of the Priaulx Library?
Si bibliothecam habes in horto, deerit nihil (with apologies to Cicero!)
COPYRIGHT: Please note that the Priaulx Library asserts its copyright in the entire contents of this website and in all its collections, in all forms of all media. Please use our contact form below for enquiries should you wish to make use of any of our material for commercial or private use or means.

Facts and Figures
Everybody is welcome to the Priaulx Library. We have clients from every continent, from academics to authors; from amateur genealogists to schoolchildren. Books, documents, newspapers and images of every size and description are waiting to be explored. A place to get your questions answered, or just to enjoy yourself.
visitors in 2019
catalogued items
years of Guernsey newspapers
Our Staff
Sue Laker, BA (Hons), Dip. Lib., CMS, MCLIP
[email protected]Sue is fascinated by Guernsey’s history, island life and its scenery and chose to complement her degree in history with a qualification in librarianship.
Prior to joining the Priaulx Library she worked at the Greffe and the Guille-Allès Library. Her areas of local expertise include the German Occupation of Guernsey, local maps, the history of Methodism and the history of Guernsey from 1500. Her favourite collections at the library are the rare books and local maps. She is the Methodist Archivist for the Bailiwick of Guernsey.
Dinah Bott BA (Hons)
[email protected]Dinah gained a degree in classics at Oxford University and spent three years at the Bodleian Library working on Greek epigraphy for the British Academy database project, The Lexicon of Greek Personal Names. After further digital publishing projects she then produced electronic databases and CD-ROMS of science and reference material on behalf of Pergamon Press and other publishers. Her particular interests are in languages, philology, art, and social history; she specialises in old documents, the miniatures of Mathias Finucane, and the life and works of Victor Hugo and his family. She is the Chairman of the Victor Hugo in Guernsey Society.
Dinah now writes and edits the Priaulx Library website with the aim of making its unique holdings more accessible to the world, often translating local documents into English, and administrates the Library's Facebook page.
Our Facilities
Disabled Access
Access is via a ramp situated at the rear door. A lift provides easy access to the first floor.
Limited parking is available to all Library users. Additionally some street parking can be found nearby.
Free WiFi
Free wi-fi is available within the Library for public access on your own computer. Please ask us for the password.
The Library Council
As instructed by the original trust, The Priaulx Library is directed by a council. Current members are:
Robert Grant (Trustee and Council Chairman)
Steve Foote (Chief Executive)
Tim Barker, The Dean of Guernsey
James Delbridge (Lt-Governor Appointee)
Gill Morris (Lt-Governor Appointee)
Sam Haskins (States' Appointee)
Kay Leslie (States' Appointee)
Jenny Palmer (Principal, Elizabeth College)
Marcus Priaulx (Trustee and descendant)